Waters rougher than Bondi | Sai Wan, Hong Kong

Hong Kong, Travel

Sai Wan Swimming Shed | Sai Wan, Hong Kong


My decision to visit this place was purely based on the Instagram hashtag –  #SaiWanSwimmingShed



To be honest, i had no idea how to get there (the geotagging on Instagram was so vague) – and how i got there was pretty much sheer luck. I literally got into a cab and described the swimming shed to him – based on what i saw in that Instagram post.

After much confusion, as to why i would want to go to a “swimming shed”, and him persuading me not to go since it’s in the middle of nowhere…

I finally made it, undefeated by his judgemental comments.




And i still don’t regret going here, sorry cabbie.

Guess this is what us people love to do.


Photography by Mumma Choi & Myself
Edits by Myself


Flora C.